Thursday, August 20, 2009


I've sure made a lot of mistakes since I started gardening - the vast majority were small and inconsequential, however two really stand out that make me wish I could have a 'do-over'. The first and most fundamental mistake was not studying the sun's pattern throughout the year as it exposed various parts of the yard to full sun and/or shade. I sure would not have placed various elements and components of our back yard garden where I did - most notably the terrace. So now I'm stuck doing modifications to make it more useful for our summer enjoyment. And the other big mistake - the one every garden book and gardener preaches - AMENDING THE SOIL. Yes we were in such amateurish haste to start planting and enjoy the benefits of our efforts that I never properly amended the soil. Here in the midwest we have the worst soil - because it really isn't soil - underneath 6 to 12 inches of black soil is heavy clay - the kind of stuff NOTHING can really grow in. No wonder the prairie of the midwest is dominated by native plants that are tougher than tough.
So there it is. My major gardening mistakes. I'll comment more on these in future posts and on several of the lesser gardening mistakes I've made. I guess I'm continuing to learn and hope I never stop.

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