Suspicious delight
a graceful flower appears
a weed, determined
One persons weed is another's delight...are weeds the bane of your existence? Just how many monarch butterflies have you spotted this season? Their particular munchies of choice are:
Apocynum cannabinum - Indian Hemp
Asclepias incarnata - Swamp Milkweed
Asclepias syriaca - Common Milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly Weed
Aster sp. - asters
Cirsium sp. - thistles
Daucus carota - Wild Carrot
Dipsacus sylvestris - Teasel
Erigeron canadensis - Horseweed
Eupatorium maculatum - Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
Euptorium perfoliatum - Common Boneset
Hesperis matronalis - Dame's Rocket
Medicago sativa - Alfalfa
Solidago sp. - golden rods
Syringa vulgaris - Lilac
Trifolium pratense - Red Clover
Vernonia altissima - Tall Ironweed[22]
It’s a sure bet not many of these are currently in residence in very many gardens.
I began this journey after a conversation with my gardening consultant and sometimes adversary or advisory (I’ll leave the final determination up to you) on an unidentified plant which took up residence in our garden. We decided to let it grow to determine what it was. It turned in a pretty nice performance with a wonderful delicate flower that butterflies were attracted to. Which lead to my haiku, then wiki search and here we are. Oh, about that “weed” I’m still not sure, but what a journey it has been.
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